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Current Ministries of Project 7:14

Project 7:14

Community Outreaches. A call for the area churches to rise-up, come out from behind the walls of the church building and come together as His Body. All races, cultures, denominations and generations, unified for one purpose, His purpose! It is simply our desire “that all mankind might come to know Jesus and His love”. Project 7:14 evangelistic outreaches are planned and geared toward loving people, winning souls, serving others and giving to the community.


Things to be included, praise and worship, testimonies,  evangelistic messages games and prizes, blow-ups, giveaways, free food, local artists and musicians, puppet ministry, prayer, altar ministry and frequent proclamation of “how to know Jesus”. Connection and registration cards to be filled out and gathered in order to establish relationships with those in the community and make sure they are presented with an invitation to come to a local church and take their next steps with Jesus Christ.


24 Hour Pray Through to Breakthrough

This is a time set aside for people to come from all over the community to worship and pray for 24 hours. All God’s people are invited, every race, age and culture. A place where all can come and just rest in His presence. A time set aside for us to gather, worship, pray, wait and soak in His presence. A time of expectation because we realize absolutely anything could happen in His presence!


There are no formulas, agendas, bulletins or routines. We simply come to seek the Lord and spend time with our Heavenly Father. Listening for His voice, following His lead, giving Him the platform. We are dedicated, focused and purposeful. We will Pray through to breakthrough, until we are released by Holy Spirit. 


This event will take place on a quarterly basis. See our events page for the next one!


Ladies Let’s Do Breakfast

A gathering of Ladies from all over the community, ages 16 up to 120. It is simply a time set aside to come together in order to encourage, love and uplift one another. We realize that media is no substitution for in person fellowship with others. This ministry was designed to connect in person, heart to heart and face to face. 




A community youth & young adults ministries. A gathering where all are loved and welcomed wherever they are at in their walk with God. All races and cultures are accepted and embraced as part of the family. The churched and the unchurched, the saved and those yet to be. “Infusion” has a group for those 12-19 years of age.


There is an open invitation to the youth and young adults to come as they are and be infused with the love of Jesus and the power of Holy Spirit. It is our goal to reach, teach, disciple, guide and commission the youth and young adults of this city. We are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to reach this community for Christ and to challenge every individual to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

 Motto: Be saturated in love. Infused with strength and purity, Filled with confidence. 1Thessalonians 3:11-13


Beginning Thursday, May 11, 2023 we will have weekly youth services This is open to youth ages 12-19 years of age. They will be free to join us each Thursday anytime from 3 pm to 7 pm. They should be picked up by 7:30 pm. This time will consist of the following: 

3-5 HANG time: Hang out, visit, study, work on schoolwork, eat, play games

5-6 RAS time: Reflect, Ask Questions, Share

6-7 PWW time: Praise, Worship, Word of God

7-7:30 Dismissal 




“Catch the Fire” Revival, Renewal & Refreshing Services

Beginning Saturday, March 18th we will have weekly Saturday evening services in our new location at 2359 Holton Rd. Muskegon, MI 49445.  We believe strongly the Lord is calling His church to rise-up, be awakened, renewed, refilled, revived and refreshed. To allow Holy Spirit to fan the flames of revival and set a fire in us that can’t be quenched. To set our eyes, hearts and spirits on the things of God and allow Him to empower us in order to change the world and build His Kingdom.


These services are a time for us to humbly pray, seek and hear His heart and to be filled a fresh and new. A time for Holy Spirit to move and flow through us as He desires as we yield ourselves to His will and allow Him to have first place in our lives. These services are times of refreshing and refilling where signs, wonders and miracles flow because we believe. 


Tuesday Bible Study

Project 7:14 is now offering Tuesday evening bible study. This is a time to dig deeper into the word of God. The topic will change quarterly. Check out our Facebook page or our events page for current topic of study.


Road Ministry

Christy is a Revivalist who travels throughout Muskegon, Michigan and beyond, bringing the message of revival, renewal, deliverance, hope, freedom and healing. Her personal testimony is one of forgiveness, deliverance, healing and more. Her life is living proof that our God is still performing miracles, signs and wonders today. She is available for revivals, conferences, pulpit fill, evangelistic outreaches, special music and worship leading. Please reach out to us for booking. 









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